20 February 2007

and i'm seriously upset with what i saw.

Do you dare say you're a christian when you don't even believe in God ?

No right?

I really feel very very offended alright.
You can go on telling others that you are like such a goodie goodie,
Believing in him and stuff.
But face it, you aren't respecting God.
You aren't even living your life according to his will.

I agree this is really abit too much, but sorry,
i HAVE to blog about this because i simply cannot stand seeing such hypocracy.

Fancy saying this and that, when everything's the total opposite.



You said people backstab you.
You backstabbed them first.

What about the " do not do to others what you do not want them to do unto you ?"

If you backstab them surely they would backstab you too, for they do not know the Lord.

You CLAIM you are a christian.
Why backstab them after they have backstabbed you?

Why backstab them in the first place and cause them to backstab you?
AND you start complaining.

Hello, God made everything fair alright.

What you're doing now clearly isn't giving the others a good impression of what a christian is.
What makes you stand out from the rest.

It's how you behave, what you do, that makes you stand out.
In the right way.

I'm not giving the example that you're the only gangster-type among all the innocent people, aka guai kias.
But rather, its the other way around.

Do think about it,
and i really mean what i say.
Because i don't just blog rubbish.
I don't fabricate tales and post it up.
I'm not the kind who enjoys spreading rumours.
Not to mention spreading rumours on my blog.
I say things only when i've seen it,
not from what i heard .
To add on, based on experience,
because i've known you for YEARS.

Do take some time for reflection,
and not just so-called reflect on your blog like what you usually do,
which is not even reflecting upon yourself!

God Bless.
& I'm really sorry for this post but i can't tolerate hypocrites as such.


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