But tomorrow is another horrible day because there is D&T test and we have to do our own research and assemble it ourselves. on prodesktop.
and i'm very sure 90% of the people don't know how to do it.
anyway, i have totally given up and i decided to just try to do tomorrow.
hopeless and useless to fret over it now right, and i'm wasting my time.
anyway, i think you should really visit Varsha's blog.
Check out what she writes about choir.
Sec ones, if you do not have the passion for choir, why join in the first place?
If you are SO unhappy in choir you are welcome to leave.
Cedar Choir does NOT need you in here if you are NOT committed and NOT interested at all.
Without the Passion For Learning you won't learn anything.
Without the passion for CHOIR you will not give your best, am i wrong?
absolutely not!
Hello, previous batches will freak out and be so depressed if they didn't pass the audits.choir just ended at 6 .. and I didnt pass the bloody test ( thank god ) so I
just watched everyone else sing .. so sian can ?(Post: 26 July 2007)
and you dare call it a bloody test. And you're actually rejoicing that you didn't pass the audits.
wow, and you dare to say you're a choir-ist.
Do chorists in Cedar Choir say that? NO. Definitely NOT.
I'd rather not have you in choir, Varsha.
With this kind of attitude, it's not going to get you anywhere.
If you didn't pass the auditions it means something went wrong.
All the more you should listen to the rest of the choir, aka your seniors (and the 8 sec ones that passed) and find out where you've gone wrong.
You aren't just WATCHING us sing ; you ARE learning something new each time.
Although you aren't performing on stage, but you CAN use the pointers mentioned and remember them. It is definitely useful in years to come.
just returned from choir and im at home cos my bro is down with a terrible
flu, so he didnt go parkway D: today's choir was fun :D I laughed my freaking
head off simply cos I learnt that YJ bathes with her sister, ahhahaha :D omg,
and other crappy REALLY funny stuff, and the fact that everyone in choir was
dressed in their traditoinal clothes and PENELOPE was in the freaking red cross
outfit, OMFG, LAUGHED LIKE SHIT LAAAAA ! that girl is a freak D:
(Post: 1 August 2007)
#1: You were supposed to be LISTENING and paying attention, NOT talking to your fellow sec one choir mates. are you a small kid with short attention span? NO.
#2: You ARE supposed to RESPECT your seniors; why are you talking bad about them? You even put her name and called her a freak. Excuse me, who's the real freak?
#3: You are totally NOT disciplined at all. Cedar Choir is well-knowned for its discipline level. Don't you spoil our reputation.
Choir to the seniors is very important. We DON'T take it lightly.
we DON'T play around. we take our auditions SERIOUSLY.
i hope you'll learn from us.
2 more years and its the next SYF.
We NEED to do Cedar and Miss Chye proud and get Gold With Honours OR Gold.
If not, do it for YOURSELF.
Change your attitudes seriously. You WON'T survive with this attitude.
And stop ranting about how you want to be in tennis or another CCA.
Or how you like people wanting you to be in ELDDS.
You can go over, its fine. Choir will not die without you because there is no sense of commitment at all. Tell me, whats the use? Don't you think choir is a waste of time then?
i'm sure you do, because you ALWAYS say choir is boring, choir's gonna be boring.
Anyway, D&T test today was okay. i managed to do! haha.
Thanks to all those who gave me all the encouragement!!
random: I have to wear choir gown on National Day's performance.
jean: haha yes okay i know already! :D
cheryl(mummy): Hello mummy! :D yes yes i will haha. its finally over! (: don't be too stressed out like me too. haha jia you jia you! :D
theCOLOURED: Hahaha yes yes its OVER AHAHA. YAY. :D yes be jealous haha. the whole world is jealous i tell you. (: WHAT BAD TASTE. LOL. i got say i like Michael Chia meh? hahaha, he broke a KNIFE i tell you.
hwee chiat: lol hello. how to repair lol, IE and Firefox is different so the html might not work for both! use IE then. :D
goodbye world.